In fact the film makers used only women – and occasionally children itseems – as their main cast to keep the hands and legs thin of the Zoozoo characters.The characters are such that they lead simple lives, speak insane and incomprehensible language and move in a certain way with human emotions.
I am really proud that this was totally an Indian idea. Kudos to the director Mr. Prakash Varma, for making such creative advertisements and introducing such a different characters. No wonder as this Zoozoo ads are among the most watched videos on YouTube and a dedicated fan club for Zoozoo on Facebook.
I am really proud that this was totally an Indian idea. Kudos to the director Mr. Prakash Varma, for making such creative advertisements and introducing such a different characters. No wonder as this Zoozoo ads are among the most watched videos on YouTube and a dedicated fan club for Zoozoo on Facebook.
Check out this micro site for more fun
cheers | Jb