My business with my university is getting concluded. So for me nowadays, hunting for jobs has become a favourite pass time for me. Another favourite activity is to meet new people inside TI (my company) and have “walk the talk” sessions. One such interesting person whom I met was Mr.Samir; I believe he is in his late 30’s and already completed 15+ years with TI across US and EU. He was kind enough to offer his time for a tech talk. So I prepared a short ppt summarizing my master thesis work done with TI. It went on well, many questions… whys… whats… hows… finally ended with a WOW..! I humbly credited his compliments to my team. Nevertheless, he was kind of impressed with the work and offered a similar development work under his team.
I was literally flattered by his gesture, so taken extra interest and efforts to prepare RS and a tentative project plan. (Now you all know why I was busy the whole week… he he..) Only step to jump is to get clearance from HR team, which I thought might go smooth. However things flipped around, as usual… recession ….. Cost cutting….. Friday morning I got to know that our proposal GOT REJECTED :-) :-) Ridiculous.. anger.. disappointment.. and finally acceptance, my feelings I experienced respectively. The efforts taken by Mr. Samir were commendable, even he was disappointed that we couldn’t make it. But I have to say this was not an ultimate failure, but just an attempt.
Later in the evening, I along with my team members drove to Wurzburg near Frankfurt about 300 KMS drive. My mentor, Wolfgang and his band (Eternal Sadness Band) are going to rock the evening. The autobahn was congested with cars and caravans, but still we managed to reach in 3.5 hours time.
The festival is called as “RockMania” and the entire Frankenhalle is filled with rock and metal lover. This is my first experience in a typical rock music festival. I have to say the venue was quite interesting piled with loudspeakers, good I got a pair of ear muffles.
The metal fans’ attire was quite distinctive all in Black, chains around their neck/hips, pierced ears/ brows/ tongue and wherever possible :-) , pony hair, long black shoes, long jackets :-). Luckily my black T-shirt and torn jeans paid off, so I am prepared for the ROCK. The colourful light, electronic guitars, boisterous vocals, blasting drummers, cheering fans … mm.. quite enjoyable music and I am kind of relaxed from the pains of the day. Eternal Sadness rocked the evening and taken its fans to the pinnacle of joy..!!
We started our return journey just before midnight, it rained hence the autobahn was drenched. Nevertheless, my colleague was ready to burn the roads. It is indeed tough to drive in wet roads, which was evident in the two accidents we saw on the other side of the highway. However, we are still flying (skiing), I saw our speedometer clocked over 210 KMPH (OMG), before I began to doze. It was 2:15 hrs to get back home; and it was not very late when I am all set to hit my bed.
Travel and search will continue
Lov yu 'll.. [Jb]