Sweet nothing ..

A lovely night, blissful moonlight, soothing breeze I was about to sleep. Suddenly I overheard a conversation between two people. I assured it was among a young boy and a girl. Though I am not intentional to hear, moreover I reckon they must be lovers. Here goes their conversation,
Boy: oh dear, I can’t describe the feelings which I got for you. But I fail every time to put it into words.
Girl: I too have your lovely feelings always blandishing around me honey.

B: May be it is easier if we try to recollect & narrate in our dreams.
G: SLEEP, is the word which I lost in my dictionary. So how come dream?

B: You know there will be desired in everything seen at the first sight, when I first saw you, my heart said you're my future
G: Dear you are my solace in loneliness; I wish to spend my entire life in your arms

B: when I walked in your steps, my shadow said you are my life partner.
G: ah.. ah.. Shouldn’t you be walking with me? We both will have one shadow following us.

B: what else would I need in life, except this memorable moment in my heart?
G: Am I leaning on you seeing me in your heart

B: Every word I speak with you is sweet
G: I love even the long pauses without any conversation between us

PS: I was roused by this conversation in my dream, a typical Indian movie genre love. Hence it is purely imaginary and certified to be a sweet nonsense.
