Today is Mother’s day in Germany, rather in most parts of the world. As we all know it is the special day to honour and tribute mothers and motherhood. There is no one in the world that can replace a mother’s love and care. The real selfless soul, epitome of love, symbol of delight and moreover an intimate overprotect. I love my mother and I do miss her, a lot. We do laugh, chat, fight, get emotional, and care each other, separated by miles. I feel her everyday and in every action of mine, she is greatly influential in my life and helped me take many decision at the right juncture, she showered her enormous love care and prayers. I am aware that it is almost impossible to repay for her love but I can ensure her happiness. For me the synonym of love is my Amma.
Having risen from such a close knit family, I have always felt for the people who have lost either of their parents. In my life (so far), I had a strong fellow feeling towards three of my very close friends, not to mention that they have lost their mother in their early twenties. The common quality that I see in all these individuals is that they possesses an amazing self confidence and never seek sympathy from others. In my opinion they are such a wonderful people, who can take solid decision, being wise in thoughts, they can docile others and moreover can influence anyone in a positive sense. In the absence of the great mentor of life, these lovely friends of mine have shaped their life fantastically. I admire them and very glad that they are my friends for life. I think their mothers’ are in their daily life in thoughts and deeds very blundered and impossible to separable.
I take this day as an occasion to wish and greet my mum and dad, and to say “I love you mum”. Happy Mother’s day.
Love | Balaji
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